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Add Your Event to HHN Calendar

Welcome to our events listing form!
Events shared in this form will be emailed to Jamala Harrison and Ryan Clover who manage the Halt the Harm Network Events Calendar. You can expect to hear back and see your event published within 48 hours. If you need it published sooner please let us know by sending a message in the network.
We manage publicity for the network list of 23,400 email subscribers, and the details you provide here help us make sure we send your announcement to the right people based on their subscriber preferences.
Thanks! Now let's start with the basics.

Your Details

Your Event Details

Please provide all the things we need to promote your event to the network and publish to our calendar. Please start be specifying if you want to use our registration system that allows you to see registered guests and send email announcements and automatic notifications to them.

Registration Type

Registration Type

Event Cover Image

Event Title

Event Date + Time

Time Zone

Event Description

Registration or Join URL

Is this event private or public?

Is this event private or public?

Are you a network member of HHN?

Visit to sign up
Are you a network member of HHN?