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Seeds & Growth for Media Live Testing Application Form

Calling the most promising media teams, start-ups and scale-ups to join the Seeds and Growth for Media 3-stage programme: Match > Live testing > Growth. The programme has a total duration of 3-5 months and will start on March 4th 2024.

The Seeds and Growth for Media programme aims to bring together teams, start-ups, scale-ups, investors and media broadcasters to foster the development of the Flemish media ecosystem. Our goal is to boost the opportunities and success of innovative companies by developing and growing in close cooperation with corporate and venture partners, securing a sustainable growth to success.
Important Dates:
Application Deadline: January 14th 12:59 pm
Shortlisted Startups Notified: January 17th 2024
Pitch Event Date: Between 22nd of January 2024 and 2nd of February 2024 (specific date to be provided later)

Personal information

First name

Last name

E-mail address

Phone number