Form cover
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All About You

What is your Faculty


- What would you consider to be your strengths?


- What would you consider to be your weaknesses?


From 0 - 10 how would you rank your confidence in the following skills (0 being very low confidence and 10 being great confidence)?
Confidence in Leadership
Confidence in Leadership
Confidence in Communication
Confidence in Communications
Confidence in Flexibility
Confidence in flexibility
Confidence in Motivating Others
Confidence in Motivating others
Confidence in Time Management
Confidence in Time Management
Confidence in Problem Solving
Confidence in Problem Solving
Confidence in Organisation
Confidence in Organisation
Confidence in Managing Others
Confidence in Managing others


- What do you consider to be your aspirations?


- What do you consider to be your inhibitions and why?


- What do you consider to be your needs? We are here to support you & your development, so use this space to talk about what you'd like to see from us, or happening in the local community.

16 Personalities

As part of the SWAIN report we recommend you complete the 16 Personalities test to gain a better insight to your skills & development. Please put your personality type in the box below (e.g. Campaigner/ENFP)