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Submit a recommendation for a professional service provider

Do you love your accountant, bookkeeper, lawyer, or other professional service provider?
Share your recommendation with other Indie Makers.
It's really hard to find good help and referrals are everything. Pass it forward by recommending the people you love working with here.

What's your name?

What's your email?

What country (or countries) do you do business in?

What kind of business entity do you operate?

e.g. Individual, LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp, etc

Name of the person or agency you're recommending:

Their email or website:

Are they an individual or a firm?

Are they an individual or a firm?

What kind of services do they provide?

What kind of services do they provide?

How much do you pay for their services?

What do you like about them? What don't you like? Who should hire them?