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Outpost: Give Back and Earn Extra Income

Outpost offers professionals a unique way to share their expertise, expand their network, and earn extra income, all while giving back to the community.

Why Join

🌎 Make a Difference: Help individuals who might not have access to traditional networking opportunities. By sharing your knowledge and experience, you provide them with an alternative path to success.

💰 Earn Extra Income: Monetize your expertise. Whether you’re reviewing resumes, conducting profile audits, giving product suggestions, or offering career advice, you’ll get paid for your time.

🫶 Expand Your Network: Connect with motivated individuals from various industries and backgrounds, building meaningful professional relationships.

How It Works

Here's how our compensation system works for purchasers:

1. Sign-up and Vetting
- After you sign up, we will review your profile.
- Once approved, you'll be featured on our website.

2. Accepting Messages
- We will enable text message notifications so you receive texts when users message you.
- Please reply to the message within 1-2 business days of receiving it.
- You only get paid for messages you respond to.

3. Compensation Structure
- You earn money per interaction with a customer.
- An "interaction" starts when a customer sends a message and includes all your responses until the customer sends another message.
- Minimum payment: $3 per interaction (if you respond within 24 hours).
- Maximum payment: Up to $7 per interaction (for prompt, multiple, or more thorough responses).

4. Interaction Reset
- Each time a customer sends a new message, it starts a new potential interaction.
- There's no limit to the number of replies you can send within an interaction.

5. Response Time
- To qualify for payment, you must respond within 24 hours of receiving a customer's message.

6. Payment Tiers
- $5: Basic response within 24 hours
- Up to $7: For more comprehensive responses or multiple messages within an interaction.

Remember, the more value you provide in your responses, the more you can earn per interaction. Quality and timely responses are key to maximizing your earnings on our platform.

We process payment monthly via Stripe. You will be able to set this up directly once we enable your account as a professional.

Ready to Get Started?

Fill out the form below to join Outpost and start making a difference while earning extra income. It takes less than 5 minutes to do so.