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Procrastination Type Quiz

Welcome to this quiz to identify your procrastination type and severity.
It was developed by Rice University in Houston, Texas, so it has a solid scientific backing.
There are 60 questions with the same drop-down choices. 60 sounds like a lot, but there are 6 different procrastination types and we will test you for all of them.
Promise: You won't need more than 10 minutes to complete the test.
Important: Be as honest to yourself as you can be. Don't fool yourself. Select the answer that best reflects your own experience.
After you submit your answers, we will calculate the scores for you and send you a detailed evaluation of all types via email.
Ready? Let's goooooooooooooo!

To which email shall we send the results?

What is your first name?

Do I get preoccupied with details, rules, or schedules that others don’t seem to care much about?

Do I have difficulty starting or completing a project because my own standards haven’t been met?

Am I reluctant to delegate tasks or work with others unless they do things my way?

Do others comment on my being rigid, stubborn, or finicky?

Am I critical of what I’ve accomplished or how long it took me to do it?

Am I satisfied with what I do only if it is as good as it can possibly be?

Do I look on my failures as embarrassments that I would hate to mention or have revealed?

Do I have difficulty maintaining a sense of humor while I’m struggling to do something new?

Do I feel upset or humiliated if I don’t do something as well as one of my peers?

Do I think about situations in extremes – black or white – ignoring the gray area in between?

Do I think a lot about what I’d like to accomplish but rarely get projects off the ground?

Do I wait for opportunities to drop into my lap rather than take an active approach?

Do I let lots of time drift by with passive activities like watching TV, daydreaming, or hanging out?

Do I spend more time thinking about the finished project than about the details needed to get it done?

Do I long to be able to from A to Z without having to deal with the stuff in between?

Do I wish someone else would handle the bothersome details of life, freeing me to do what I really want?

Do I find myself thinking or speaking words like, “I’ll try to…” or “Someday I will…”?

Do other people sometimes accuse me of being a dreamer, of having my head in the clouds?

Do I do what I feel like at the moment, forgetting or ignoring previous plans or priorities?

Do I expect great things from myself, but wonder why they never seem to happen?

Do I have difficulty making decisions, vacillating about what I should do?

Do I need – or seek – approval, advice, or assurance from others before I do things?

Do I have trouble starting projects or working on my own because I doubt my judgment or ability?

Do I think things are too much for me, or worry about overdoing it?

Do I hesitate to leave my “comfort zone”, avoiding situations that might cause stress or anxiety?

Do I become easily agitated when something disrupts my normal routine?

Do I avoid situations that are unpredictable or may be uncomfortable?

Do I sometimes paralyze myself before starting work on a project, wondering about the “what if’s”?

Do I exaggerate the trouble that might arise from a situation, or minimize my ability to cope with it?

Do I think I could do more – or better – if somebody would take me by the hand and be there for me?

Do I ignore important tasks, then, at the last minute, work frantically to get them done?

Do I feel that life is chaotic, and that I can never be sure what the next day will bring?

Do my moods change rapidly and dramatically?

Do I get easily frustrated and show it by displaying anger or quitting?

Do I act in ways that other people find provocative, seductive, or attention getting?

Am I easily influenced by circumstances, responding to the need of the moment?

Do I enjoy – or pride myself on – taking risks or living on the edge?

Do I tend to get very involved with someone or something, then abruptly detach myself and move on?

Do I think of my life as so dramatic that it could be made into a soap opera?

Do I prefer action, having little patience for things that are too slow, predictable, or safe?

Do I become sulky, irritable, sarcastic, or argumentative when asked to do something I don’t want to do?

Do I work deliberately slowly or ineffectively in order to sabotage a task I don’t like doing?

Do I feel resentful or manipulated when I wind up having to do something unexpectedly?

Do I feel that others make unreasonable demands on me?

Do I avoid obligations by claiming I’ve forgotten them or they’re not important?

When people ask me why I did or didn’t do something, do I feel they are hassling or nagging me?

Do I believe that I’m doing a better job than others think – or say – I’m doing?

Do I take offense at suggestions from others regarding how I could do things differently?

Do others accuse me of – or get annoyed with me for – failing to do my share of work efficiently?

Do I frequently criticize or ridicule people who are in authority?

Do I run around doing things, without really feeling that I’m accomplishing very much?

Do I have difficulty saying “no” to people who ask for help, yet feel resentful later on?

When I’m doing a task, do I wonder, “How did I get myself into this”?

Do I have a strong need for approval from other people?

Do I find myself complaining, “I have no time”, “I have too much to do”, or “I’m too busy”?

When I get unexpected free time, do I keep finding things to do instead of catching up with old things?

Do I have a strong need to be self-reliant and hate to ask someone else for help?

Do I get over involved in other people’s problems, postponing attention to my own?

Do other people regard me as someone who will drop everything if and when they need me?

Do I enjoy being busy, but secretly think that maybe I don’t know how to be any other way?