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Questions for Wedding Vendors

Any length of answer is appreciated! The more detailed the better though!

What are a few of the day-to-day challenges of being a wedding vendor? What is the biggest (one that sticks out more than the rest)?
How do you currently solve these problems, if solvable?
If this problem isn't solved, what would help solve it? How much would you pay for this? (can skip if the previous question was answered)
Do you use or have you tried using any of these platforms?
Untitled checkboxes field
If not, why? If yes, which one and what are your overall thoughts (ex. one thing you like and one thing you don't like)?

Not Required (but helpful):

What features or changes would you like to see on the platforms listed above?
What percentage of vendors do you think are struggling with these same issues?
Untitled multiple choice field
Is there anything I failed to ask?