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Share your feedback

Thank you for helping us improve!
We're always looking for ways to improve our service, and would like to hear more from our app users on what we can do to be better for our patients. Your feedback is invaluable to us and we appreciate you taking your time to share your thoughts.
*Please note, if you need help with anything mental health related you should either book an appointment with Mindler or go see your GP as information provided in this form cannot be actioned due to it being completely confidential.

Have you booked an appointment with Mindler yet?

Have you booked an appointment with Mindler yet?

Please us know why you haven't booked an appointment yet.

Did you find a psychologist that you feel had the competences and personality you were looking for when booking?

Did you find a psychologist that you feel had the competences and personality you were looking for when booking?

What did you feel was missing when looking to book an appointment?

Did you find the registration process easy to follow?

Did you find the registration process easy to follow?

What are some things we can improve in the registration process?

Do you feel secure in using Mindler as a service for your mental health related issues?

Do you feel secure in using Mindler as a service for your mental health related issues?

Please elaborate why you don't feel secure using Mindler, and what we could do to make you feel more secure using Mindler.

Is there any other feedback you'd like to share with us to help us improve?

How did you hear about Mindler?

How did you hear about Mindler?