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W3B x Sui Student HackerHouse
Application Form

Dive into an exclusive, immersive experience designed to fuel your innovative spirit. Join us for 20 unforgettable days from August 1st to August 20th, where each day promises inspiration, growth, and camaraderie among a select group of 20 extraordinary hackers. Be part of a dynamic community of individuals who are driven to make a difference. ✨🚀🌟🤝🔥

Part A: Tell us about yourself

1. Hello, what's your Full Name?

2. Tell us about Yourself! School, major and other interesting facts. 🫡

3. Let's collect some logistics!

Part B: Prior Experiences

4. Could you please share with us your Notable Projects in the field of blockchain?
*Preferable in chronological order and include the Github link to the projects mentioned

5. Please describe a few Event Experiences such as Hackathons, Hackerhouses or Workshops you have attended that's worth mentioning.

6. What aspects of programming are you proficient in?

(Feel free to list out languages, frameworks, and other specialties🤩)

Part C: Going Forward

7. Are you able to be at San Fransisco, from Aug 1st - Aug 20th?

8. What's One Idea you have considered building? Why did you give up the idea or why do you think it's still exciting to build?
(max 200 words)

9. Please upload a version of your Resume (Optional):

Part D: Lastly...

10. Where did you hear about us?

11. If there is anything else you would like us to know about you or your interest in this program? Or is there any question you have about this program. Feel free to let us know.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our application. You will be hearing back from us soon!