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Internships @ Dost

Welcome to Dost, Pakistan’s 1st Jobs & Professional Networking Platform!

We are looking for interns to join us for a period of 8-12 weeks on our journey in helping 30 Million+ Pakistanis access upwards social mobility. This internship could lead to a full-time position. Looking for people who love:

- Solving problems (whether their own or others)
- Going from zero to one (the process of building, measuring, learning and building again)
- Getting their hands dirty (talking to people, going on-ground)
- Diversity of work (working on various problems, even those outside their comfort zone)
- Creating impact

What area do you feel you are a good fit for?

What area do you feel you are a good fit for?

Tell us a bit more about yourself

If you have done any internships before, could you tell us about an internship where you felt you had the most impact and why? What company was it and what was your role?

Upload your CV

Why do you want to intern at Dost?

Any other information about you that we should know?