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Sign up for Web3 Data Alliance

If you sign this form, your name will be made public. It is a form of non-binding letter of intent.
We are doing this because there is a problem and we want to work with the ecosystem to solve it. It requires focus and a new way of working together.
This is an initiative by The Grid and for more information, go to
"If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to far, go together"
By filling out this form, you explicitly agree that the information marked below will be made public on

What is your name?

What is the company you work for?

What is your title?

What is your email? (will not be made public)

The company I represent is a:

The company I represent is a:

What data / ecosystem are you most interested in & Why are you interested in joining The Web3DA?

I agree that this is needed and will push my org to join the Web3DA once the foundation is operational

I agree that this is needed and will push my org to join the Web3DA once the foundation is operational

I understand that signing this, it does not entitle me to any form of compensation and/or future tokens.

I understand that signing this, it does not entitle me to any form of compensation and/or future tokens.