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Feedback form - Python `Collections` Client Preview

We are looking for feedback on our new, experimental Python client API. This will help us improve the API for you and the community.


Can we contact you afterwards? If yes, please provide your email address

What is your experience level with the Weaviate Python client?

What is your experience level with the Weaviate Python client?

What is your main Python development environment?

What is your main Python development environment?

Overall impressions

How was the new API compared to the existing one?

How was the new API compared to the existing one?
Much worseMuch better

How intuitive was the syntax?

How intuitive was the syntax?
Not intuitiveVery intuitive

How helpful was the typing and IDE assistance?

How helpful was the typing and IDE assistance?
Not helpful at allVery helpful

Would you like to expand on the above? For example, could you explain or provide examples?

We are curious about...

Was the use of `Factory` (e.g. ConfigFactory) functions intuitive?

Was the use of `Factory` (e.g. ConfigFactory) functions intuitive?
Not intuitive at allVery intuitive

Did you find the `Filter` class intuitive?

Did you find the `Filter` class intuitive?
Not intuitive at allVery intuitive

Did you like having typed objects return vs `dicts`?

Did you like having typed objects return vs `dicts`?
Not at allVery much

Did you like the returned data structure consistency between `.query`, and `.generate` requests? Or would you prefer a list of objects for `.query` requests?

Did you like the returned data structure consistency between `.query`, and `.generate` requests? Or would you prefer a list of objects for `.query` requests?

Do you like the `grouped task` generation being available at the top level & `single prompt` at per-object level?

Do you like the `grouped task` generation being available at the top level & `single prompt` at per-object level?

Long-form questions (Optional)

Where there any specific features that you especially liked or disliked?

Did you encounter any errors or difficulties? If yes, could you please explain?

Any other feedback or suggestions for improvement?