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2025 Toolbox survey

The Toolbox is constantly looking to improve. In the past 12 months, we have increased opening hours, offered more workshops, introduced barcode scanning for improved speed and accuracy, and we're moving forward with our mobile Toolbox plans. (You can provide detailed feedback on those plans here.)
Your thoughts are appreciated and we will consider all contributions. If you would like to provide feedback after this survey has closed, you can do so via our website.
If you'd like to have a longer conversation, you can leave your details at the end of the survey or email [email protected].

What is your relationship to the Toolbox?

What is your relationship to the Toolbox?

If you're a member, are you planning to renew?

If you're a member, are you planning to renew?

If you aren't sure or won't renew, can you tell us why?

Are you interested in volunteering with the Toolbox?

Are you interested in volunteering with the Toolbox?

What's your favourite thing about the Toolbox (tool, person, workshop, vibe)?

Please rate these statements in order of importance

Please rate these statements in order of importance

What do you think the Toolbox should focus on over the next year?

What item do we need (or need more of)?

Do you have other thoughts about the future of the Toolbox?

If you would like to discuss your answers, please leave your name and contact details.

Thanks so much for your time.
If you love the Toolbox, tell your friends. If you're a member, you will receive a free month every time a joining member tells us that you recommended the Toolbox to them. They will also receive a bonus month.