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Modal for Startups & Academics

Startups & academic labs can get up to $25k free compute credits on Modal. These credits can be used towards GPU compute and accessing in-demand GPU types. General eligibility requirements for startups: < 5 years old, VC-backed, haven't used Modal before.
Fill out this form to see how many credits you qualify for! Please check your spam folder if you haven't heard back within a couple weeks.


Are you applying as a startup or academic

Are you applying as a startup or academic


Company/organization email

Company/organization website

Modal organization workspace name

Make sure you've signed up for Modal and created a workspace for your startup's GitHub organization. We need the name of the organization workspace to provision the credits; note that we don't provision credits to personal workspaces. You can find the workspace name in the top left corner of your Modal dashboard (see example).

Are you a participant in any of the following programs?

Are you a participant in any of the following programs?

How much funding have you raised?

What would you like to use Modal for?

Questions/comments? Anything else we should know?