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Supporting Freelancers' Mental Health 💪 Survey

Hello! 👋
We are looking to build something to better support freelancers' mental health in the current pandemic as part of the On Deck Global Build Weekend hackathon.
This survey is directed to freelancers, contractors and consultants to better understand your needs so that we can build something that is useful to you!
The estimated time to complete this survey is around 5-10 minutes.
The answers to this survey will be kept completely anonymous. There is an option to share your contact details if you would like to get updates and be a beta tester.
Please feel free to forward this survey to any other freelancers/contractors/consultants that you know.
🙏 Thank you for helping us out!
Amrita, Anjali, Catherine and Lauriance
Note: If you are not a freelancer/contractor/consultant but are interested in this topic then feel free to fill out this form and let us know your interest in the "Anything else that you'd like to share" field at the end.

Are you a freelancer/contractor/consultant?

Are you a freelancer/contractor/consultant?

Which country are you based in?

How important is supporting your mental health to you?

How important is supporting your mental health to you?

How well do you feel your mental health is currently supported?

How well do you feel your mental health is currently supported?

Which, if any, of these issues are currently impacting your mental health? (Select as many as applicable)

Which, if any, of these issues are currently impacting your mental health? (Select as many as applicable)

How are you currently supporting the impact to your mental health from the above selected issues?

If you can build anything to support your mental health, what would you build/suggest?

Anything else that you'd like to share - thoughts, questions, ideas or anything else? (optional)

Would you like to help us test out our app and give feedback?

Would you like to help us test out our app and give feedback?