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Student-in-Residence Application
For details about this program, visit our website:
If you have any questions about this application, please email us at [email protected], or, if you are a member of our Slack community, send a message to Kellie Fay, Manager of Programs at MCE.

First Name

Last Name

MUN Email Address

Student Number

What type of student are you?

What type of student are you?

What are you studying?

Upload your resume.

Upload your transcript.

Give a high-level description of the problem you're trying to solve and/or your business idea.

Briefly describe any work you've done on your startup to date (e.g., research, user interviews, prototype development, lean canvas or business plan, etc.)

Explain your market size and/or give us an estimate of how much revenue your company could potentially generate.

Who are your competitors? What do you understand about your business/industry that they do not?

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product/service and what it does or will do.

If you have an existing product or prototype, you may include a link to a demo. (Maximum 60 seconds, to be uploaded on YouTube, unlisted but not private.)

At what stage is your startup?

At what stage is your startup?

Submit a video Please submit a link to a 1-2 minute video (unlisted video on YouTube only) introducing yourself. Explain 1) who you are, 2) what you're doing and why, 3) why you want to do an entrepreneurial work term/internship.

How did you hear about the entrepreneurial work term/internship program?

How did you hear about the entrepreneurial work term/internship program?