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Christians United for Refuge Endorsement Form

This form is for Christian leaders, organisations, churches and denominational bodies who would like to endorse the Christians United for Refuge campaign.

Thousands of people remain trapped in Gaza, despite having family members they could reunite with in Australia.

We are calling on all governments to let them reunite and find safety, by:
1. Grant immediate emergency humanitarian visas to thousands of Palestinians in Gaza.
2. Provide sustained diplomatic pressure on the Israeli government about border crossings to allow visa-holders to safely evacuate from Gaza and aid to freely enter.
3. Provide robust resettlement assistance once these families arrive in Australia.
Together in Christ, united across the breadth of the Church, we stand for compassion.
Our governments must speak boldly that no one with a valid visa for elsewhere should be trapped in Gaza. Open the way!
It is not just in our power to do so, it is who we are.

Your Full Name

Your Title

What is your email address

What is your Denominational Body/Organisation?

Is this a personal or organisational endorsement?

Is this a personal or organisational endorsement?

The Christians United for Refuge campaign is being coordinated by Common Grace in collaboration with Palestinian Christians in Australia.