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Voicepal for content creators: Early access

Hello friends!
We're working on a new app that makes it easier for content creators to brainstorm ideas and turn them into first drafts. We're looking for 50 beta testers.

Who you are

1. You produce written content: either for yourself (e.g. journalling) or to share with others (e.g. newsletters, team memos, long emails, twitter posts, youtube scripts etc.)

What you'll get

1. Access to the app for free for all of 2024

2. Be the first to access all new features
3. Early access to our affiliate program when we launch it
4. Direct line to the founding team (for support)

What you commit to

1. Sending us feedback every time we release an update to the app. In most instances, we'll ask you to answer a specific set of questions whilst screenrecording. We don't expect this to take longer than 5 minutes every 1-2 weeks. That's it!

Important note

Places are limited. For people that meet the selection criteria, we'll work on a first-come, first-serve basis. If we can't offer you a place this time around, we'll still send you a download link as soon as the app is live.