We appreciate you taking a moment of your time to fill out this survey. Your input will aid us in crafting a meaningful learning and development plan that is most relevant, fun, & interesting to you.
You will measure each question on a 3-point scale with a response of:
Your responses should be based only on your own opinion of the questions, not the "at-large" opinion. In order to assess the needs of the overall community of people leaders, we are asking the HRBPs to share their opinions for their collective client groups. We will then match up priorities & create programming around the topics that received the most "High Priority" ratings.
What department do you represent?
How would you rate yourself as a People Leader?
(0 = I Need Improvement | 10 = I'm Amazing)
How would your team rate you as a People Leader?
(0 = I Need Improvement | 10 = I'm Amazing)
Below you will find our values. Please rank in order from most important (1) to least, in your opinion.
In this next section, we have some questions about priorities. Please take your time and answer candidly:
What is the approximate number of minutes you can commit to monthly for your development & that of your direct reports?
I learn best via: (Select all that apply)
If you selected "Other" please share what tools & resources you'd like to have to optimize your learning & development experience: