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Bluprynt MiCA White Paper Pilot

MiCA, Europe’s regime for regulating crypto assets, is coming into force June 30th, and Bluprynt is proud to announce the launch of a pilot program to streamline the compliance process for crypto asset issuers under the MiCA framework, and we are inviting a select group of issuers to participate.

What the Pilot involves

The pilot program will allow you to use Bluprynt to prepare and submit your white papers and other regulatory disclosures with enhanced efficiency and compliance. Participants will have the opportunity to interact directly with central banks, receiving firsthand feedback and contributing to the shaping of regulatory processes.

Benefits of Participation

Early Access - Help refine the features and functionalities of Bluprynt by providing valuable insights based on your usage experience; also participate in working group sessions with regulators on MiCA intepretation.
Direct Feedback - Receive direct feedback on your prospective submissions, allowing you to enhance your compliance practices.
Influence Development - Help refine the features and functionalities of Bluprynt by providing valuable insights based on your usage experience; also participate in working group sessions with regulators on MiCA intepretation.
To join the program, fill out our onboarding form with your contact information and a brief description of your company and the crypto assets you issue.
We look forward to your participation and to forging a path toward streamlined regulatory processes together!