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Spring's Enchantment 2025

Before beginning your submission gather together all the information you need and have your images sized and ready. This helps to make the submission process go smoothly.

Fill in the required information and hit the submit button at the bottom of each page. You must press submit for your artwork to be recorded. After you press submit you will be taken to a page where you have the option to enter more art or go to the payment page.

Last Name

First Name


Phone Number


Submit First Artwork

Artwork Title

Media (ie oil, watercolour, pastel, mixed media etc.)

Size in Inches ( use format X x X )

Artwork Price

Description (maximum 200 words)

Upload Image of First Artwork Here Image files are to be named using the following convention: FirstName.LastName_Title.Medium.Size.jpg (ie:Jane.Doe_title.acrylic.12x12)

Check your work before you submit. You will not be able to return to this page.