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Submission Form

We appreciate every application, but we kindly ask that you review our website, the artists we represent, and our past exhibitions before applying.
If your work is significantly different from our current focus, it may have limited chances.
To avoid disappointment, please only apply if you believe your art aligns well with our gallery's vision. We also charge a fee of €20 to cover expenses.
Thank you for understanding.

What is your name?

In which city / country are you currently based?

What is your email address?

Share your social media account with us.

Do you have a website we can visit?

What type of artist are you?

What type of artist are you?

What motivates you to submit your application?

If you have a portfolio, please share it with us here.

Key Components of an Artist Portfolio
– Artist CV incl. Portrait
– Contact Information
– Education and artistic career
– Exhibitions (solo and group shows)
– Awards, grants, and other relevant achievements
– Brief explanation of artistic vision, themes, and techniques
– Selection of Works: High-quality images of representative artworks (5–10 pieces)
– Details for each work (title, year, medium, dimensions)
(Don't worry, we know that young artists in particular may not yet have a long CV or many successes to show for it.)
– Close-up details or installation views
– Project Descriptions
– Detailed explanations of specific series or projects
Context, concept, and development process
– Press and Media Coverage. Selected articles, reviews, or interviews about you and your work
– Artistic References
– Recommendations or comments from curators, gallerists, or other artists

You are also welcome to upload photos or exhibition views.

Do you have anything else to share?

Terms and Conditions
