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ThirdMind | COHORT 01

6 Month Master Training Program Application

The purpose of this application is to assess your commitment to personal growth and healing, evaluate your current life situation, and determine your potential to thrive within our collective ecosystem. We welcome individuals who are ready to deepen their devotion and expand beyond where they can go on their own.  

By filling out this Application, you are helping us better understand who you are and what drives you. We look forward to getting to know you!


First Name

Last Name


Vocation or Occupation

Family or Relationship Status

Are you in a relationship? Divorced? Children? Please share some details.

What do you most want us to know about you?

Life Assessment

What is your greatest challenge or opportunity you are facing right now? What have you been tolerating but want to change?

Who are your most trusted guides and allies (family, primary partnership, guides, coaches, close friends, etc.).

Do they encourage and support your investment in this program? What would they see as the greatest value for you in this?

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 - 10 (being the greatest) relative to where you want to be.

You came here to bolster your ability to transform into a new way of being. To you currently feel close to that state of being, or further away.

Spiritual Connection

Spiritual Connection

Mental Power

Mental Power

Family / Intimate Relationships

Family / Intimate Relationships

Physical Vitality

Physical Vitality

Social Influence

Social Influence

Financial Sustainability

Financial Sustainability

Career Success

Career Success

Wisdom & Maturity

Wisdom & Maturity

Motivation & Expectation

Describe the transformation you are seeking, and why you believe right now is the right time to realize it.

How do you envision your life changing as a result of investing your time and resources in this cohort?

What about Passage is most inspiring to you in terms of our perspective and approach?

There are lots of programs and communities out there. What attracts you to us?

Describe a challenging situation you've faced recently. How do you think this cohort program could help you navigate similar situations in the future?

Personal Philosophy & Practices

What does "living in alignment with your authentic expression" mean to you, and how do you hope to bolster that journey through this program?

What does "resilience" mean to you, and how do you hope to cultivate it through this program?

Describe a moment when you felt truly attuned to your purpose.

How do you hope this program will help you sustain that feeling?

What does "powerful, loving alignment with source, nature, and self" mean to you, and how important is achieving this in your life?

If so, why?

What does mastery and power mean to you?

How willing are you to expand and transform these current perspectives? Why?

Spiritual & Philosophical Background

What do you regard as sacred in your life?

What is most important to you?

ThirdMind draws from an array of ancestral and modern teachings and wisdom traditions.

Which spiritual or philosophical practices resonate with you most at this point, and why?

Do you have aversions or reservations about specific spiritual, Indigenous, or religious teachings?

Passage is not religious in any way. However, we draw wisdom from a wide array spiritual and religious traditions.

How do you currently connect with nature, and how open are you to deepening this connection?

Is this something you regard to be important? Please explain your a little about your view and relationship with nature.

Commitment & Readiness

This master training program requires a significant time commitment and level of devotion.

How are you prepared to prioritize this transformative journey in your life?

This program involves a significant financial investment. How do you view this investment in relation to your personal growth and transformation?

How does it feel to make this kind of investment?

How comfortable are you with vulnerability and deep introspection in a group setting?

How comfortable are you with vulnerability and deep introspection in a group setting?

Describe the personal rituals or practices you currently maintain.

How committed are you to establishing new, potentially challenging practices?

Community & Contribution

Describe a time when you were part of a supportive community. How did it impact your personal growth?

If you've never experienced this in any significant way, feel free to explain how that has felt to you.

What unique qualities or perspectives do you believe you can contribute to our transformation ecosystem?

What do you believe this program will make possible in your life?

Why are you making this kind of deep investment in your life right now? What do you believe could come from this commitment to yourself?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application.

Your thoughtful responses will help us determine if the ThirdMind Master Training Program is the right fit for your transformative journey.

After considering your application you will get an invitation to schedule a call with a team member for information on the next steps.


Alexis, Ty, Jared