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GOT Camp Onboarding

The Huntress and the Lover.

Our mission is to name, explore, and share experiences to stream the regenerative movement toward greater accountability, resilience, responsibility while creating containers for vulnerability, kindness and the Unknown.



Organisation Name

Purpose statement

Share a Proposal for your contribution

We encourage everyone to bring their unique gifts and offerings to share within the camp purpose and mission. Please note that while we will do our best to create a program that allows everyone the opportunity to contribute, we cannot guarantee that every offering will fit into the four-day schedule.

Field of contribution

I like to purchased a Ticket

We would love to share the picture, name, website, organisation name and purpose statement of all people that are in the camp. Do you agree us publishing your data?

We would love to share the picture, name, website, organisation name and purpose statement of all people that are in the camp. Do you agree us publishing your data?