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Sponsorship Packages: The Antisocial Socialites

Networking doesn't need to be stuffy and boring! The Antisocial Socialites is shaking up the world of networking for those craving something different, something that works for them, something long lasting beyond the 30 second pitch slap.

Founded by Liz and Yolanda, The Antisocial Socialites was born out of a desire to redefine networking. “Antisocial networking” is a concept dreamt up when we became bored and disillusioned with the same old “same-y” events and when we couldn’t find “our tribe”.

Our community of Antisocialites is 2020+ people strong, globally. We have combined LinkedIn followers of 19,083 and our newsletter and before/after editions go out to 300+ people.
Our emails have an average open rate of 33% (with many of 51% +) and a click through rate of 7.2%.
Our monthly audio events have up to 2700 people registered per event.
Please fill in the details below in full, make your payment with the payment link and we'll be in touch with you to let you know what date of newsletter / event (depending on the sponsorship package you've chosen) you'll appear in.
Please note - Sponsor organisations / offers should be aligned with our mission to create non-traditional networking opportunities. We do not accept sponsorship from religious, political or unaligned organisations.

Choose your Sponsorship Package

Choose your Sponsorship Package
Subtotal: £