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Code Rouge 4

đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Version française
đŸ‡łđŸ‡± Nederlandse versie

Hi there!

You're reading this form because you want to join the fourth edition of Code Rouge. We look forward to having you join us to shake up the fossil fuel sector from 24 to 28 October!

With just a month to go before the action, we can imagine that you're full of impatience questions. This email will answer the most urgent ones but more important, it will allow you to to confirm your presence and register in the finger of your choice!

So what's a finger?

A finger represents a group of activists of varying size who will take on a specific role during the action. Within each finger, there are affinity groups, which are groups of 4 to 10 people who take care of each other and are together throughout the action. At the heart of an affinity group is the smallest essential nucleus: your buddy. This is the person with whom you form a strong duo and with whom you will get through the action.

Do you already have your buddy and/or your affinity group? If so, great! If not, don't stress: you'll still have time to talk about it discreetly around you and meet some great people during the next action training days. And even on the big day, you'll still be able to find your soulmate during the action and in your group.

For this edition of Code Rouge, there will be 9 fingers, including a "support" finger that allows people who do not want to or cannot be at the place of action to get involved by helping with logistics (cooking, transport, etc.).
Please fill in this form if you want to participate in the "support" finger.

Choose your finger!

Please note: we ask each activist to register individually. Even if you belong to an affinity group, please make sure that each member registers, indicating the name of your affinity group in the form.

* confrontation with the police (= risk of having to cross a police line, not the risk of being arrested, which is high everywhere except in the support finger)

** 1= moderate off-road walking possible; 2 = longer walks and obstacles (fences, ditches...) possible. Don't hesitate to indicate your specific needs on the registration form. If your are a wheelchair user, let us know and we’ll think about ways to ensure your participation. In all cases, mutual aid and respect for each other's differences are our priorities!


đŸŠ« Castors Jaunes :

FR :  Bricoleur·euses, touche-Ă -tout, curieux·ses, les castors aiment construire mais aussi dĂ©construire (les systĂšmes d'oppression). MĂ©fiez-vous de leurs dents acĂ©rĂ©es, capables d'abattre les vieux troncs du capitalisme patriarcal et colonial. Les castors sont lĂ , fun mais dĂ©ter, pour faire barrage et reprendre la riviĂšre.

đŸŒ Ours Gris : 

FR : Les ours raffolent des grandes virĂ©es cafĂ©inĂ©es et de soleil. Ils aiment dĂ©couvrir de nouvelles contrĂ©es pour y construire leurs abris avec les moyens du bord. MĂȘme s'ils chĂ©rissent leur tribu et savent parfaitement dĂ©fendre leur territoire, leur ingĂ©niositĂ©, force et persĂ©vĂ©rance seront des soutiens aux autres espĂšces !

🩌 White Stags :

FR : Cerfs blancs contre noirs fossiles. RĂ©volte des serfs et des serves contre accapareurs morbides. La lutte sera Rood. Un seul code de conduite : on arrive ensemble, on repart ensemble. Enfilez vos meilleures chaussures pour une randonnĂ©e champĂȘtre contre les Ă©nergies fossiles et leur monde.

EN : White stags versus black fossils. Revolt of the serfs against morbid land-grabbers. The struggle will be Rood. One code of conduct: we arrive together, we leave together. Put on your best shoes for a country trek against fossil fuels and their world.

🩊 Blue Foxes :

FR : Si vous aimez entendre le cri de la chouette chevĂȘche, pister les traces de sangliers, les empreintes de louves et ruser tel·le un·e renard·e, enfilez votre plus beau bleu de travail et venez faire un peu de grabuge. Le bleu c’est l’eau qui se dĂ©fend et c'est l’alliance des luttes sociales et Ă©cologistes que l'on incarnera dans une horde de renard·es.

EN : If you like to hear the call of the little owl, track wild boar tracks and wolf prints, and cunningly play the role of a fox, put on your best blue overalls and come and make a bit of a ruckus. Blue is water that defends itself, and it's the alliance of social and ecological struggles that we'll be embodying in a horde of foxes.

đŸș Red Wolves :

FR : Les Loups Rouges viennent en renfort des autres animaux avec une Ă©nergie nouvelle ! La meute accueille tout le monde quelle que soit leur expĂ©rience de traque. Ambiance dĂ©terminĂ©e mais conviviale. Les loups aiment parcourir les steppes en hurlant sous la pleine lune. Si vous voulez vous joindre Ă  nous, vous devrez ĂȘtre disponible du vendredi soir au dimanche.

EN : The Red Wolves come to the rescue of the other animals with a new energy! The pack welcomes everyone, whatever their stalking experience. A determined but friendly atmosphere. Wolves love to roam the steppes howling under the full moon. If you'd like to join us, you'll need to be available from Friday evening to Sunday.

🩩 Black Otters :

EN : We are creatures living on this earth, providing life to the landscapes around us. Determined and ready to take risks, our small family moves straight to our target. We may look cute but we are nippy and fierce in overcoming the obstacles we will confront. We stand strong and together in the face of repression (which we expect). If you want to join us, you'll need to be available from Friday eve to Saturday. We speak Dutch, French and English.

NL : Wij zijn wezens die op deze aarde leven, en leven geven aan de landschappen om ons heen. Vastberaden en bereid om risico's te nemen, beweegt onze kleine familie zich recht op ons doel af. We zien er misschien schattig uit, maar we zijn vinnig en fel in het overwinnen van de obstakels waarmee we geconfronteerd worden. We staan sterk en samen tegenover onderdrukking (die we verwachten). Als je met ons mee wilt doen, moet je van vrijdagavond tot zaterdag beschikbaar zijn. We spreken Nederlands, Frans en Engels.

FR : Nous sommes des crĂ©atures vivant sur cette terre, donnant vie aux paysages qui nous entourent. DĂ©terminĂ©e et prĂȘte Ă  prendre des risques, notre petite famille se dirige directement vers sa cible. Nous avons l'air mignon, mais nous sommes nerveu·ses et fĂ©roces pour surmonter les obstacles auxquels nous sommes confronté·es. Nous restons fort·es et uni·es face Ă  la rĂ©pression (Ă  laquelle nous nous attendons). Si vous voulez vous joindre Ă  nous, vous devrez ĂȘtre disponible du vendredi soir au samedi. Nous parlons le nĂ©erlandais, le français et l'anglais.

🩉 Brown Owls :

EN : To defeat our enemy, we act in the dark, moving with fluid ease. The Brown Owls stand out for their discretion and independence. Each of us, with our wealth of experience, knows how to navigate through the obstacles, both united and independent.

NL : Om onze vijand te verslaan, handelen we in het donker en bewegen we met vloeiend gemak. De Bruine Uilen onderscheiden zich door hun discretie en onafhankelijkheid. Ieder van ons, met onze rijkdom aan ervaring, weet hoe hij door obstakels moet navigeren, zowel verenigd als onafhankelijk.

🐗 Wild Boar :

EN: We are wild boars. We defy man’s supremacy over nature and animals. We’ll show our solidarity with our family who has fallen victim to the ruthless and cruel attacks of our enemy. We will surprise our attackers by standing firm together, taking risks worth taking and we’ll strike where our enemy loves to spread its lies. Come what may, we’ll state loud and clear, that fossil fuels are not welcome here. Join us on Monday!

NL: Wij zijn Wild Boars. Wij trotseren de overheersing van de mens over de natuur en dieren. We tonen onze solidariteit met onze familie die slachtoffer is geworden van de meedogenloze en wrede aanvallen van onze vijand. We zullen onze aanvallers verrassen door samen sterk te staan, risico's te nemen die het waard zijn en we zullen toeslaan waar onze vijand graag zijn leugens verspreidt. Wat er ook gebeurt, we zullen luid en duidelijk verkondigen dat fossiele brandstoffen tot het verleden behoren. Sluit je bij ons aan op maandag!