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ADPList Mentor Community Survey

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill this survey out! As we move into the second half of 2023, we are aiming to improve our existing ADPList Mentor Slack community experience. But we cannot do that without your help and input! This survey should take around 5-7 minutes of your time. If you have any questions or need certain accommodations, please DM @lizzielacour on Slack! Thank you! 💙
**You have the option to give anonymous feedback. If you are comfortable with us reaching out to gain more information based on your answers, please leave your name, email, and ADPList profile.

Your Name

Your email

Your ADPList Mentor Profile

What are your goals in the ADPList Mentor Community (choose your top three)?

What are your goals in the ADPList Mentor Community (choose your top three)?

Out of the current community programs, please rank them in order of how useful and engaging you find them (most useful to least).

Out of the current community programs, please rank them in order of how useful and engaging you find them (most useful to least).

What would you like to see more of (please choose your top 2)?

What would you like to see more of (please choose your top 2)?

Are you interested in getting more involved with the community?

Are you interested in getting more involved with the community?

If yes, how so? Please be as detailed as possible

How can we improve the ADPList Mentor Slack Community experience?

Anything else you would like to add? We really value this feedback, so please let us know how we can improve!

How satisfied are you with the current ADPList Mentor Community?

How satisfied are you with the current ADPList Mentor Community?