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Book your trip to Bath&Stonehenge

Travel dates: Stonehenge from 19/12/24 to 21/12/24. Bath from 21/12/24 to 23/12/24
You can choose to come only to Stonehenge to experience the winter solstice in an unmatched setting. You can choose to come only to Bath to visit William Herschel's house and observe the night sky from his backyard. Or you can join both trips...

Which part of the trip are you joining?

Which part of the trip are you joining?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the high demand for such an exclusive trip, only reservations accompanied by a deposit of €500 will be considered confirmed, on a first-come, first-served basis, until all places are filled. Further details will be provided when you complete the form.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or a WhatsApp to +34687736018.

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