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Sign Up For BlockX

Thanks for signing up to BlockX. Please fill out this onboarding form and you will receive your invoice within the next 24 hours. After payment, you will get access to your Notion board to create tasks.
Make sure to check your spam folder or contact office[@]endway[dot]space in case you don't receive the email.
Also make sure to book an initial onboarding call here:

What is your email for communication?

We'll use this to send you the link to the invoice, Notion board and any other communication.

What is the email to share the Notion page to?

For data privacy and security reasons, the Notion board won't be accessible publicly. Make sure that the email you enter here has a Notion account. You'll receive an invite to collaborate on a page.

Please enter any business details needed to generate the invoice.

This includes the business name, business address and VAT number.

What is the background of your business or crypto project?

Please briefly explain what your business or crypto project is about. This will help us understand better what you want to achieve by subscribing to BlockX.

What is your businesses homepage?

Providing the link can give us more background information which we can use to provide better services.

What is your primary social media account?

For example, a link to your Twitter or Instagram. Providing the link can give us more background information which we can use to provide better services.

What is the overall goal you want to achieve?

Do you want to do research on other projects? Create your own NFTs? Want to extend your current product with blockchain functionality?
Please do not put individual tasks here, but rather give us a broad idea of what you hope to achieve through this subscription.

Anything else you want to tell us?