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Bitcoin Basics sign-up

Thank you for your interest in the "Bitcoin Basics" course!

We are not quite there yet and the content is still in development. In order to really generate value, we would like to design the lessons according to your needs. To ensure that this really works, we need your feedback using the form below. It will take less than three minutes.
Thank you very much, we will contact you directly afterwards!
All the best,
Phil from Berglinde

General questions

How would you rate your current knowledge of Bitcoin? (1 = no idea, 5 = Satoshi Nakamoto)

How would you rate your current knowledge of Bitcoin? (1 = no idea, 5 = Satoshi Nakamoto)

What kind of courses would you prefer? Please prioritize

What kind of courses would you prefer? Please prioritize

Overview Bitcoin Basics course


Day 1 - History of Money: Discover the evolution of money from its earliest forms to modern currencies and gain insights into the role of money in economic systems throughout history.

Day 2 - Functions of Money: Dive into the basic functions of money, including its roles as a medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value, and understand how these functions apply to Bitcoin.

Day 3 - Characteristics of Bitcoin: Learn about the unique characteristics of Bitcoin, such as decentralization, scarcity, and fungibility, and understand how these characteristics differ from traditional forms of currency.

Day 4 - Bitcoin Timechain (Blockchain) Functionality: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Bitcoin blockchain by exploring its structure, consensus mechanism, and its role in enabling secure and transparent transactions.
Day 5 - Bitcoin Mining: Explore the process of Bitcoin mining, including the role of miners in validating transactions, securing the network and generating new coins, and understand the economic incentives that drive this essential aspect of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Day 6 - Bitcoin Nodes and Wallets: Learn about the importance of nodes in maintaining the integrity of the Bitcoin network, as well as the different types of Bitcoin wallets available for the secure storage and management of digital assets.

Day 7 - One-on-one 1:1: Schedule a personalized consulting session to explore tailored opportunities for advancing your career and strategically leveraging Bitcoin to grow your business.

Features of the course

1. Six automated video lectures for self-study
2. Access to the Berglinde Slack community
3. Personal 1:1 meeting
4. Overview with most important Bitcoin resources to learn more (podcasts, books, blogs etc.)
5. CHF 50 on your own wallet at the end of the course
6. Certificate of completion

Questions about the Bitcoin Basics course

How would you rate the content? (1 = bad, 5 = top, couldn't be better)

How would you rate the content? (1 = bad, 5 = top, couldn't be better)

What would you improve/change?

Which element delivers the most value for you? (choose max. two)

Which element delivers the most value for you? (choose max. two)

Do you consider CHF 350.- as a fair price for such a course?

What else would you like to share with us?