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Hot & Bothered Listener Feedback

Thanks for listening to Hot & Bothered! Your answers below will help us continue to improve it.

How did you hear about our podcast?

Where in the world are you usually listening from?

What platform do you usually listen to Hot & Bothered on?

Would you prefer if the episodes were shorter, or longer?

Would you prefer if the episodes were shorter, or longer?

How likely are you to recommend the podcast to a friend?

Don't forget to rate us on your podcast platform of choice!
How likely are you to recommend the podcast to a friend?

Is there a specific way you'd like to connect with us?

Is there a specific way you'd like to connect with us?

What do you like about the podcast?

Suggestions for improvements? Future topics or guests?

Interested in being part of the team?! What would you be interested in helping with?

Things we'd love help on: social media, marketing, graphics, transcripts Things we're thinking about: guest hosts, new host for future seasons?

If you'd like to hear back from us about your feedback

What's your name?

What email should we use to contact you?