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🎪 KIND Family Gathering III Application

July 28th - August 3rd 2025

Welcome to the Family Gathering Festival III!

We’re so excited to gather once again - This time in a brand-new location in the North of Portugal.

We’ll be nestled in the breath-taking Magic Mountains! A new opportunity to create a space to live as a village for a whole week, filled with love, connection, and community.

Whilst very remote, it takes just over 1 hour to drive from Porto, 3 hours from Lisboa or 4 hours from Madrid, Spain,
Why an application?

To ensure an intimate and meaningful experience, applications are required for all attendees which includes recording a video.

We're at a new location, and learning each year on how to best support the families joining us - with all their various needs. As we are a small festival with limited resources doing this helps us maintain the essence of the festival, balance group dynamics and be able to provide the support and a safe space where everyone feels welcome and at home.

With considerably more people on our festival mailing list than there are tickets available we are going to have a hard time deciding!! Our aim is to have a mix of at most 50% returning families and 50% being new guests to the KIND Family Gatherings.

So please take your time filling out this form, as it helps us understand your needs and how best to welcome you into this year’s gathering.

It will take about 10 mins and you can return to continue if you need to.

🇵🇹 As with previous gatherings, we whole-heartedly welcome Portuguese families. Whilst most of the sessions will be in English the community will fill in any language gaps where our facilitators cannot.
If you feel more comfortable completing this application in Portuguese you are welcome to. 🇵🇹


Includes your camping spot and all workshops and classes.
Note: food is not included this year. Read more about this in the application.

💛 Adults (16+): €400

💛 Teenagers (12-16): €250

💛 Children (4-12): €180

💛 Toddlers (1-4): €90

💛 Babies (0-1): free

Important Notes about the Application Process:

- Applications close the end of March 2025 or once we are full. We will review applications in order they are received.

- Spaces are limited. We are doing that to maintain our intimate intention.

- We are only accepting full attendance to the festival to co-create the communal spirit.

- Your application doesn't guarantee you a spot. You will receive a response within 2 weeks of submission.

- Once accepted you will have 72 hours to pay for your tickets to secure you spot.
- Ticket are non-refundable and only exchangeable to approved families on the waitlist. We can offer your tickets, but not guarantee an exchange. So please book responsibly.

- Spaceholders, volunteers, vendors and babysitters have an additional application that must be filled in before.

- If there are multiple families in your party, each must fill in an application with a "Clan Name" such as "Blue Whales" to connect your applications. We will try to approve as many connected families as possible.

- This is the only way to apply—please do not contact us through other channels.

If you don't get an email you have not submitted your email. It can be resumed, so come back and check :)

Do you understand and agree to the application terms?

Do you understand and agree to the application terms?

We can’t wait to share this experience with you! 🏕️