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I want to hear your ideas

There are only 3 questions here, but your answers will help me very much in creating content and resources for you.
I only want to send you things that help you, and avoid things that don’t.
So, thank you, thank you!

🔵 Q1: What’s the biggest business challenge you’re facing right now?

🔵 Q2: If I could wave a magic wand and in 6 months this issue was resolved, paint me a picture (in words) of what your life would be like.

🔵 Q3: In 5 words or less, what title do you use to describe yourself? Fill in the blank: I am a _____________.

For example: web designer, online course creator, financial coach for women, custom furniture maker, marketing consultant to restaurant owners, etc.

⭐️ (Optional) If you want to be entered in the drawing for a copy of Seth Godin’s new book, This Is Strategy, pop your email into the box below. I’ll be sending out a copy to 5 lucky SOLO readers. I hope it‘s you!

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!