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😍Ready to join the Freelance Squad?

Are you a copywriter, graphic designer, PR pro, SEO expert, or some other highly skilled and very awesome freelancer?

Do you dislike having to constantly find new clients and deal with new contracts every time?
Does the thought of negotiating your hourly rate sound very much like something you'd like to entirely never do again?
My friend, you've come to the right place. 🎉🎉🎉
This is the Freelance Squad. A collective of copywriters, designers, and whatevers who love the players, but hate the game. Who just wanna write/design/do their job without the hassle and stress that comes with freelancing. Instead, we'll pair you with amazing clients, negotiate your rates, and from time to time, bring in experts or coaches on things like freelance taxes, writing kick-ass CTAs, and how to use TikTok for more than cool dances.
Questions? Email [email protected]

Your full name

Your email

Let's see who we're working with. Upload a headshot or photo here.

When we share your profile with potential clients, it can help for them to put a face to a name. (But hey, this part is totally optional.)



Would you like to align yourself with a certain group?

At times we’re able to pitch on projects that specifically look to bring more work to certain communities, and we actively pitch members of marginalized communities, such as those who are Indigenous, Black, are identify as LGBQTIA2S+.
If you choose to self-identify as belonging to a certain group, we’ll only ever use this information when it serves to empower or celebrate you.


What country do you live in?

Don't worry, you don't have to be in North America to join!

What city do you live in?

How did you hear about the Freelance Squad?

Want to share specifics?

We love to give credit where credit is due. Let us know who we should thank for getting us in touch.

What's your talent?

Select all that apply, but keep in mind a copywriter/designer/web developer/social media expert is a rare beast. Choose only what suits you best.
What's your talent?

Great at something else? Write it in below!

What tech and platforms are you familiar with?

Please only select programs that you feel confident enough with to perform a client project with. We can always update this later if you're learning!
What tech and platforms are you familiar with?

Please link your portfolio or website

Got something else to share? Link it here

How many years of experience do you have?

We're always curious. Tell us a bit about yourself!

What part of your job are you really great at? What do you love doing?

Any types of projects or industries you want to avoid?

What clients have you worked with before?

Please list clients and separate by commas (e.g. Nike, Tangerine Bank, Pop's Shoe Shop).

What industries have you worked with before?

What's your rate?

We pay out in Canadian dollars—please list your rate with that conversion in mind! We charge both project and hourly rates. Even if you only charge project rates, please estimate below; your answer helps us start that conversation. You can always change your rate later.

Are you interested in taking on full-time hours for long-term client projects?

(e.g. 35+ hours per week for 3+ months)
Are you interested in taking on full-time hours for long-term client projects?