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Whistleblowing Form

Whistleblowing provides an opportunity to report suspicions of misconduct. You have an important role in raising your concern if suspecting a serious misconduct, that should be prevented or corrected. You do not need proof of your suspicions, but all messages must be made in good faith.
It should be noted that this policy is designed to assist individuals who believe they have discovers malpractice. It is not designed to question financial or business decisions taken by Amby or its clients.
Do not include sensitive personal information about any individual mentioned in your report if it is not necessary for describing your concern. Please save your message in a safe place if you need to keep it for future reference.
Your complaint will be treated confidentially. You can also decide to stay anonymous; however, should you permit us to contact you in order to help us collect information, please indicate how ( e-mail address, phone) and when you can be reached.

Are you comfortable being contacted regarding your comments in the future?

What is your concern?

When did this happen?

Details of the case

Anything else we should know?

Who else is aware of the infraction?

Attach a file

Additional file

Untitled checkboxes field