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Sponsored Ads with TWJN ✍️

The Writer's Job Newsletter sends the best freelance writing opportunities, twice a week 💌

Get in front of over 10,000 writers, journalists, & marketers

Check out these stats ⬇️

→ That's over 10,000 writers, editors, journalists, copywriters, & freelancers! → Open rate is 50% → Click rate is 10% → Audience mostly US & UK (plus Canada, Australia, India, etc.)

Okay, you're sold? Now what do you get?!

→ ✅ A feature in the newsletter sent every Wednesday & Sunday to 10,000+ writers
→ ✅ You're the sole sponsor in each newsletter → ✅ Your copy, description, & link in the Resource of the Week → ✅ Feature in previous issues on the website, for eternity
→ See some previous sponsored issues here, here, and here. Pretty sweet, right 😉

Want to learn more?

Shoot me an email: [email protected]