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Ostara Gathering 2025 Booking

Calling all creatives queer spirits, healer drag shamans, planetary non binary toddlers, familiar trans animals, domestic agender sprits, lucky intersex numbers and moving non-conforming concepts!
Join us at our beloved Featherstone castle to celebrate Ostara and teach us what you know and learn what you don't. How you move and how you grow. Let’s co-create a hybrid gathering of community well-being growth through bodily action and making art!
Please fill this form out to request a spot at the Ostara gathering. You will receive an email in the next few days confirming whether you have a place or whether you're on our waitlist. The gathering is Friday 7 - Monday 17th March. Your information will be kept confidential and only shared where relevant e.g. dietary requirements with the kitchen team. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions. Your Ostara Team: Mama Bear, Mama Sparkles, Moon Baby, Nyne, Puck and Shuffle

The Call!

You can find the call here. How many mangoes will you find the castle?


Confirm your Email address

Faerie or Preferred name

How would you like to be known at the gathering?


For example: he/him, she/her, they/them, (s)he/they, e/em/eir, any, none

Legal name

In case of emergency and matching any bank transfers

Phone number


Over recent years, the Faeries have begun a radical journey from a primarily white, gay, male community, towards a community that is more inclusive of the diverse spectrum of ethnicity, gender and sexuality that makes up queerdom.

This is an ongoing evolution, and in order to ensure that gatherings offer sanctuary and belonging to those queer minorities most at risk of exclusion or harm, we continue the tradition of offering at least 25% of places to faeries who self-identify as diverse.

Examples could be that you're a faerie of colour, a faerie who is non-binary, a trans faerie, or a woman.
