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AI Spotlight Submission Form

Are you working on a cool AI project? Have you had a great success with AI?

Why not share your story in our AI Fire community of 300K+ audience on Facebook and LinkedIn, including 35K+ members from the AI Fire Newsletter?

AI Spotlight – a special section in our newsletter where we feature inspiring AI products, AI stories, or any success you achieve using AI. It’s shown to the AI Fire Community, which is filled with open-minded members about AI and is always ready to adapt to its fast-paced advancements.

Here’s what you can do:

- Showcase Your Work: Share your AI product, tool, or story and get recognized.

- Inspire Others: Your journey can motivate and help others in the AI field.
- Exclusive Free Promotion for AI Fire Members: Get your work out there for free!
Why share?
- Get Noticed: Be featured in our newsletter and reach a big, interested audience.

- Build Connections: Connect with AI enthusiasts, experts, and potential partners.

- Share Tips: Exchange tips, tricks, and stories to make AI work for you better.

How to participate:
Just fill out the form below with details about your AI product or story. Our moderators will review all submissions and pick the best ones to feature in upcoming issues of AI Fire.
1. Personal information:
Your Name
Email Address
Your Twitter or LinkedIn profile URL?
What company do you work for? (Or are you a founder of?)
What best describes your job role?
2. Submission category:

Please select the category of your submission:

Please select the category of your submission:
3. Do you have an area of expertise?
Untitled multi-select field
4. It's great if you share details about this
For AI Products/New Tools:
- Overview: (Briefly describe what your AI product/tool does)
- Unique Features: (Highlight the unique aspects of your product/tool)
- Use Cases: (Explain how and where it can be used)
For personal AI Stories/ AI Case Studies:
- Your AI Journey: (Share your personal experience or the story behind your AI project)
- Challenges Overcome: (Describe any challenges you faced and how you overcame them)
- Impact: (Explain the impact your AI experience had on your work/life)
Supporting Information:
- Website or Demo Link:
- Supporting Documents: (Upload any relevant documents, such as case studies, reports, etc.)
- Images/Videos: (Upload any relevant images or video links that showcase your product/story)
5. Why do you want to share this with our community?
Briefly explain why you think your submission will be valuable to the community.
How can others benefit from your story/product?