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📺 Terminal Collaboration Form

Terminal is a play-to-earn and skill-based game on TON blockchain where players decrypt words and accumulate points.

Our game — link. Mini App — link.

Our social networks Twitter — link. Telegram — link. Discord — link.

Basic Information

1. Name

2. Contact Email

3. Contact Information (Discord/Telegram)

4. Country

5. Guild/Community name (if any)

Social Media and Content Information

1. Telegram Channel Link

2. Twitter Profile Link

3. YouTube Channel Link

4. Other Social Media Platforms Link (if any)

Collaboration Intent

1. Types of collaboration you are interested in:

2. Unique advantages you can offer in this collaboration

3. What you hope to gain from this collaboration?

4. Appendix materials.

Thank you for completing the Terminal collaboration form! We will be in touch soon to explore our potential interaction together.❤️ You can also directly contact our official representative: Telegram: Twitter: Discord: oxmannick