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Pathways Understanding Bullying

Bullying, wherever it takes place, can create a hostile, fearful world for victims, and a deeply worrying world for perpetrators. Both will need our support, understanding and help. Bullying may be physical, verbal or emotional and may take place in any situation, including online.

Please remember, if you behave in such a manor towards another person that it causes pain, distress, or even anger, you are, intentionally or otherwise, bullying that person. Bullying can never be disguised as a prank, a joke, or a bit of fun. Please take a moment to complete the following anonymous survey.

1 Which year group are you currently in ?

2 What is your Gender ?

3 Please select your ethnic category

4 Have you ever witnessed bullying at school ?

5 Have you ever been the victim of bullying at school ?

6 Have you ever, unintentionally or otherwise, bullied someone at school ?

7 How safe do you feel at school ?

8 Have you ever reported bullying to a teacher or staff member ?

9 Do you think teachers and staff are effectively addressing bullying in school ?

10 Do you think bullying is a significant issue in our school ?

11 Do you think more could be done to prevent bullying in our school ?

12 If you had the opportunity would you choose to speak to someone about your experience of bullying ?