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Intuitive Fitness Application

Thank you for applying to join a future cohort of Foundations of Intuitive Fitness. This form will help me ensure it's a good fit for you and enable me to better tailor the experience to fit your goals. You'll also be the first to hear about opportunities to pilot the self-guided version I'm developing.



How much do you currently enjoy exercise?

(0 being hate it, 10 being absolutely love it)
How much do you currently enjoy exercise?

How confident are you that your current approach to fitness will enable you to achieve your goals/intentions?

(0 being not at all, 10 being certain)
How confident are you that your current approach to fitness will enable you to achieve your goals/intentions?

How connected to your body do you currently feel during exercise?

(0 being highly dissociated, 10 being extremely embodied)
How connected to your body do you currently feel during exercise?

How often do you typically exercise per week?

How often do you typically exercise per week?

How long have you consistently exercised?

How long have you consistently exercised?

What are you hoping to get out of joining the Foundations of Intuitive Fitness virtual experience?

Do you understand that this course is offered as an educational experience and it's your responsibility to consult a doctor to determine what physical activities are appropriate for you?

Is there anything else you'd like to share at this stage (optional)?

If you have any immediate questions, please email me at