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Job application @Karma Games

Are you an aspiring board gamer looking for an opportunity to take on new challenges and advance your career?

Tell us a bit more about yourself

Which job do apply for?

Which job do apply for?

Upload your resume, portfolio and all your certificates (incl. high school diploma) as one pdf file πŸ“„

Briefly describe yourself πŸ€— Why do you think you would fit into our team and into this job role?

Add the link to your Boardgamegeek account if you have one:

How many different games out of the top 100 games in the strategy category on BGG have you played? 

Name your top 3 board games and describe your favorite mechanisms in those?

How would you rate your expertise and knowledge of the board game publishing world?(designers, publishers, games)

How would you rate your expertise and knowledge of the board game publishing world?(designers, publishers, games)

The iconography of which language independent game impressed you and why?

Which rulebook for a complex game is done best in your opinion and why?

If applicable: Please upload a board game rule book you have written or an overhauled rule book by you.

Which relevant software tools do you know to use? Please rank each one from 1 (low) to 5 (expert). πŸ€“

Which superpower do you regularly apply in your jobs? πŸš€

How many hours would you like to work weekly?

Which gross annual salary in EUR do you expect (assuming 40 hour work weeks)?

Please share your results of this personality test.

Anything else we should know? πŸ€”

How did you hear about this job?

How did you hear about this job?

If a current employee at (company) referred you, please list his/her name