1) Enter a unique referral codename (whichever you like); this will be important for the next step:
2) Send
this link:
https://tally.so/r/wdKXgq to
2 people and tell them to use your codename in the form that you sent.
3) In the form, they will enter your codename before subscribing to the newsletter.
4) When 2 people subscribe using your codename, you'll become eligible for a free feature.
-- The image must be a 3:2 or 1:1 aspect ratio
-- The image should be high quality (not blurry or out of focus)
-- The image must be either PNG, JPEG or JPG and must not be larger than 5 MB
-- The image may be a logo, screenshot of your webpage, etc.
Once submitted, we will review your feature request within 48 hours and let you know if the details you entered are correct. Once this is done, we will wait until the referral links have been used by 2 people. Afterwards, we will email you again to let you know exactly when you should expect to be featured on our newsletter.
Disclaimer: We may contact you if we have any questions, concerns, or inquiries in regards to your application. If we must do so, it may delay your feature. Please make sure to check your spam/junk folder, as it may be there.
Disclaimer: This form is subject to change at any point, in which case you will be informed about any changes via email.
Disclaimer: We reserve the right to reject your application and refuse featuring your business or website on our newsletter for any reason, in which case we will inform you of our decision within the 48-hour timeframe.