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Gerellie Massage client intake form


Email Address

Phone Number

Health Information

Any Allergies? (oils, lotions, skin, etc.)

Any Allergies? (oils, lotions, skin, etc.)

Areas of broken skin? (e.g. rash, wounds)

Areas of broken skin? (e.g. rash, wounds)

If yes, Where?

History of joint replacement surgery?

History of joint replacement surgery?

Which joint(s) ?

Recent injuries or medical procedures in the past 2 years?

Recent injuries or medical procedures in the past 2 years?

If yes, Please describe:

Massage Information

Please indicate any areas of discomfort (Right Side)

Please indicate any areas of discomfort (Right Side)

Please indicate any areas of discomfort (Left Side)

Please indicate any areas of discomfort (Left Side)

What type of massage would like? (You can choose more than one.)

What type of massage would like? (You can choose more than one.)

How much pressure do you prefer?

How much pressure do you prefer?

By signing below, I acknowledge that I am aware of the benefits and risks of massage therapy and that I have completed this form to the best of my knowledge. I also agree to inform my massage therapist of any health or medical changes.

Client Signature
