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Podcast Guest Application Form (Mocktails with Marina)



Thank you for your interest in being a guest on the Mocktails with Marina podcast! Please fill out the form below to be considered as a guest on the show.

What is your name?

What is the name of your business / venture / project?

What's your email address?

What is your IG handle?

Are we connected on Linked in?

Are we connected on Linked in?
If not, please connect here so you can mark the "yes" box!
If you don't use LinkedIn, please just mention that at the very bottom of this form.

What link would you like to share in the description of your episode?

This can be a main website, landing page, special product / service, means of contact or ordering, or anything else that relates to you and the episode:

Tell us a brief bio / founding story (2-3 sentences, save the good stuff for the episode!):

*Note: we always start episodes by doing a brief "get to know you" segment where you give us context on who you are and what is it that you do.

If you could make your own Ted Talk on any non-alc industry topic, what would that topic be?

*Note: this question helps me set you up with the right type of questions.

What do YOU want to attract?

*Note: this question helps me address the right portion of listeners in our messaging.

đź‘‹ Anything else to add? Let me know here:
Thanks, The Modern Mocktail team