Please note that we have different projects - common and advanced
Common projects are tasks close to reality that you complete independently, demonstrating your practical skills. They are a little more difficult than what you had to do before, but not nearly as difficult as advanced. We are ready to recruit for them without restrictions!
Advanced projects are what awaits you at your first job. They are complex and are carried out with a team under the guidance of a mentor. After successful completion of the project, we provide your contacts to our partners. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 candidates receive an offer after 6 months. The other two - a little later.
For advanced projects, we recruit a team of 8 best candidates. We currently have only 6 advanced projects. Accordingly, we can take only 48 candidates. Each month we receive 800-1000 responses. As you understand, only 5% get access to advanced projects.
To increase your chances - you can successfully and qualitatively complete a common project, or show social activity, or donate us.
Please make a wise choice!