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đź’¸ I'll pay you $5k to build a paywall

🚨 (If you've already read this... Just watch the video & then scroll to the bottom.)
I need a paywall for our AI SaaS… Bad.
Like yesterday bro.
More than Trump needs the border.
The problem is… I can’t have China pay for it.
I’LL pay for it. But I need you to be good as fuck. Like a killer full-stack dev. Your experience in years needs to at least match Kevin Spacey’s age preferences… 3+. You need to be eating Next.js for breakfast, Stripe for lunch, and PayPal for dinner. Cuz currently without a paywall… FREE Users are racking up thousands of dollars in costs for us faster than you can say Kamala. And we need to stop them. You + Poppy Team = 🧱 We need to send the free users back. If they want to use the app they’ll need to come through the same route every legitimate customer came… By paying for it! On the next page I have some hard ass questions prepared so I filter through all the bullshit chatgpt copy pasted answers i’m about to get. If you’re not qualified just please, x out. Save us both time instead of getting embarrassed on the interview call with me. But if you feel like you got this… Click below and let’s fucking go.
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