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Customer Satisfaction Survey

Hi our beloved Testnet participants,
We would love to hear from you through this User Satisfaction Survey. Your inputs are so important for us to improve the product.
Once you complete the form, we would like to express our gratitude by awarding you an NFT badge, which will acknowledge your status as an early supporter. Be noted that the badge will serve as a way to secure your advanced benefits in our upcoming events of Vision Protocol.

Using one word to describe your entire experience

Rate your overall feeling

Rate your overall feeling

On a scale of 1 to 6, how would you rate the product overall?

On a scale of 1 to 6, how would you rate the product overall?
extremely badExcellent

Rate your agreement for the statement "The tournament is fun"

Rate your agreement for the statement "The tournament is fun"
Strongly disagreeStrongly agree

Rate your agreement for the statement "The tournament is transparent"

Rate your agreement for the statement "The tournament is transparent"
Strongly disagreeStrongly agree

Rate your agreement for the statement "The tournament is a good choice for earning"

Rate your agreement for the statement "The tournament is a good choice for earning"
Strongly disagreeStrongly agree

Name 01 thing we did great that should continue doing?

How could we improve our product? Ex: Mechanism, UXUI, Color,...