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Application form for Connected You Retreat 2024 in Kent

I will need some information from you for this retreat to be able to make this the best possible experience for you. And also to hear your intentions and hopes as I want to be sure your intentions to join align with our intentions. This will be an intimate group so getting intentions aligned is important for the best possible group dynamic.

So please answer this thoroughly - this is for your comfort and safety at the retreat - the more I know the better experience I can tailor toward you! :)

Full Name


Phone Number

Your Address

Date of Birth (I like to know my sisters' birthdays to celebrate them with you!)

What is your primary intention and motivation to join this retreat?

What do you hope to get from joining this retreat? Is there a specific aspect of your wellbeing you hope to improve or topics you'd wish we cover?

Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences?

Do you have any health conditions, any medications or have you had any injuries or surgeries recently?

This retreat is for a small group of women meant for close bonding of sisterhood. Are you comfortable sharing a room with 1 or 2 sisters?

How would you describe your physical activity level?

Are you willing to engage in somatic, embodied sensual exercises to connect with your feminine essence? e.g. movement, ecstatic dance

How do you feel about practicing mindfulness based exercises? e.g. meditation, sound healing, breathwork

How did you hear about this programme?

Would you like to be added to my heart-to-heart email letter list?

Which payment plan will you do?

Which payment plan will you do?

Any questions you have about this retreat you'd like me to answer?

Is there anything else you would like me to know to enhance your experience at the retreat?

Thank you for answering. I will review applications as I receive them and be in touch to address any abovementioned. :)