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It's all about you, reThinkers :)

I want to improve your experience with our reThinkable newsletter BUT...
I can only do that if YOU tell me what you think about it and...
To thank you for completing this 2-minute survey, I'll send you a gift that will...
help you reach your financial goals faster and easier (aka my Savings Goal Tracker & Checklist)
So let's get started!

1. How likely are you to recommend the newsletter your friends and family?

1. How likely are you to recommend the newsletter your friends and family?
UnlikelyVery Likely

2. How valuable is the content of the newsletter?

2. How valuable is the content of the newsletter?
Not at allVery Valuable

3. Would you prefer if the newsletter were shorter, or longer?

3. Would you prefer if the newsletter were shorter, or longer?

4. What do you MOST enjoy about the newsletter?

5. What do you LEAST enjoy about the newsletter?

6. What information would you like to see in the newsletter that is not currently included?

7. Do you have any other feedback or ideas to make the newsletter better?

PS: As promised, after you hit submit, you'll be redirected to my Savings Goal Tracker & Checklist :).